



アナヒッドは1960年代から中東の舞踊に関心を持って踊りはじめ、現在この分野で最も多才で革新的なアーティストの1人として国際的に認められています。 彼女はニューヨークや海外で中東のダンサー、ミュージシャン、コミュニティを生で観察してこの踊り習得していきました。
アナヒッドはオリエンタルダンスをナイトクラブからコンサートステージ上の踊りへと進化させたパイオニアの一人です。 彼女は近代美術彫刻庭園、国連、ブロードウェイのウリス劇場、カーネギーホールなどの大舞台でソリストとして踊り、また自身のカンパニーを率いて公演しました。アナヒッドはセントラルパークのデラコルテ劇場で開催されたニューヨークダンスフェスティバルに初めて出演したオリエンタルダンサーであり、またニューヨークのタウンホールで行われた中東フェスティバルを含む多くの公演を監督しています。そして、彼女のカンパニーはリンカーンセンターにある舞台芸術図書館においてこの10年もの間定期公演を行っています。


※(注) アナヒッドは「ベリーダンス」という言葉には下品なイメージが伴うこと、また、ベリー(腹部)だけでなくすべてのパーツを使うという意味でも正確さを欠く、という理由で「オリエンタルダンス」「ミドルイースタンダンス」という言葉を使っています。ですので、彼女の意思を尊重して本連載では「ベリーダンス」に代わり、「オリエンタルダンス」または「ミドルイースタンダンス」という言葉を使わせていただきます。



Anahid Sofianの公式サイトはこちら→ http://www.anahidsofianstudio.com/


This time, I would like to introduce Profile of Anahid Sofian.
Anahid’s achievement is that raising Oriental dance* which was “dance of the night club”, to performing arts. From the 1960’s to the present, she has been active in the front line as a successor of this beautiful dance form.

In the Sixties, Anahid’s interests turned to dances of the Middle East and she is internationally recognized as one of the most versatile and innovative artists in the field. Self-trained by observing and working with the Middle Eastern dancers, musicians and communities in New York and abroad, Anahid was one of the pioneers in taking Oriental Dance out of the nightclub and onto the concert stage. She has performed both as soloist and with her company in such mainstream venues as The Museum of Modern Art Sculpture Garden, the United Nations, the Uris Theatre on Broadway and Carnegie Hall, and was the first oriental dancer to be accepted into the New York Dance Festival at the Delacorte Theatre in Central Park. She has also been hired to curate numerous performances including the Middle Eastern Festivals held at Town Hall in New York, and for ten years her company performed regularly at the Lincoln Center Library for the Performing Arts.

Anahid established her studio in New York in 1972, where she offers instruction on regional styles, choreography, structured improvisation, costume making workshops, and music and rhythms for the dance.
For several years now, she has been teaching for the World Dance Dept. at New York University.

*Anahid says that the word “belly dance” is accompanied by a vulgar image, and because it lacks precision in terms of using not only belly but all parts of one’s body, she prefer using “Oriental dance” or “Middle Eastern dance”. So, respecting her will, I also use the word “Oriental dance” or “Middle Eastern dance” instead of “belly dance” in this series.

【Editor’s Note】
I actually had seen the  video of her performance in at the Delacorte Theatre at the New York dance festival held in 1976. Elegantly flowing, sometime melancholy veil work, rhythmic shimmy and light steps with zills, intense and lyrical floor work … how much I was moved! (Later, I heard that her knees had full of blood due to the long and hard floor work.) This performance has recognized the artistic value of oriental dance, and the following year other oriental dancers appeared on the stage. Indeed, this show was the one of the important scene when Anahid  elevated attitudes towards the dance.

Texts and pictures quoted in this series are used with permission of Anahid Sofian. Unauthorized reprint is strictly prohibited.

Anahid Sofian’s official site → http://www.anahidsofianstudio.com/