


Ananhid was injured while she was active as a modern dance dancer and she was forced to rest. During that time, she discovered Oriental Dance and its value not only as an art form, but also for therapy.
How did Oriental dance actually serve both mind and body during rehabilitation?
Why she, who had been active in the classical dance world, was attracted Oriental dance and decided to become a professional?


(Images are posted with permission from Anahid. Unauthorized reproduction of images and texts is strictly prohibited.)

Anahid Sofianの公式サイトはこちら↓ http://www.anahidsofianstudio.com/


Question: Will you explain me more details? Did oriental dance work mentally or physically? How?


The oriental dance movements are so natural, healthy and suitable for the female body, I recognized it right away! That’s why I pursued it first as therapy, because my knees and legs were still healing from the demanding work I had done with a modern dance company. I had developed chronic inflammation in my knees, and the muscles of my legs were of course weakened. My Dr. told me no ballet or modern dance for a while, only special exercises and hot baths.



After about a year of that, he told me I could start some gentle movements, but no ballet yet. So, I first started by going folk dancing, which was very popular at the time and a lot of fun. And then I was taken to a Greek club where I saw my first oriental dancer! I was amazed by the beauty of the movements and excitement of the music, and said to myself, this is the therapy for me!


No one was teaching at the time, so I would go several nights a week to the clubs and then go home and practice practice, practice. The dance looks so fluid and easy, I was surprised at how difficult it was. I became so involved with it that I never did go back to classical dance, but decided to do this professionally. It took me nearly two years of intense practicing to get to a professional level. I also wanted to see the dance appreciated outside of the nightclub and later worked towards getting it into the mainstream.


How was the sixth part of Anahid Sofian’s half-life story?
I sympathize very much with the beautiful movement of Oriental dance and music trembling the heart of Anahid. I am not familiar with dancing since childhood like her, but I cannot forget the excitement when I first encountered this dance. It is probably because in Oriental dance, there’s something that resonates with the heart and body of a woman.


Well, in the United States when Anahid first met this dance, immigrants from various countries such as Greece, Arabia, Lebanon, Persia, Turkey were playing their music, singing, and dancing at the night clubs. What kind of dance style was performed by the dancers and how did they differ? And who influenced Anahid’s dance development and style?
Next time, I would like to ask Anahid to talk a bit more about the world of Oriental Dance of those days.