~アナヒッドが目指す、「オリエンタルダンスの未来」~伝説のダンサー アナヒッド・ソフィアン物語 第2回





The second part of the “Legendary Dancer, Anahid Sofian” series is about Anahid’s aim and vision of the Oriental Dance.
Anahid has been and still works toward raising the status of oriental dance.

What was the meaning of dancing on an authoritative big stage as an oriental dancer?
Please also have a look at valuable performance images of the 1970s and a review by the New York Times about the New York Dance Festival.

* Unauthorized reproduction of images and texts is strictly prohibited. (Share of articles is greatly appreciated!)

My goal was to take the dance out of the nightclub and raise the level of the dance to performing arts on the concert stage, and acceptance of the dance in the mainstream.

One of my efforts and interests was to perform at the Museum of Modern Art Jazz in the Garden Series. I was so happy they accepted me into the series, and I took musicians with me. One of the pictures attached is from that performance in 1973. I also had performed there in 1972, and they brought me back the second year.

Another goal of mine was for the oriental dance to be accepted into the famous New York Dance Festival, which was held every summer at the Delacorte Theatre in Central Park. After applying for three years, they finally accepted me into the Festival in 1979! I brought musicians with me to that, too, but unfortunately I don’t have any pictures including my musicians in either event. But attached is a photo of me on that stage! The Delacorte Theatre is huge and seats 1,800 people.

ニューヨークダンスフェスティバルでの私の踊りは多くの観客に新鮮な印象を与え、主要新聞各紙はこぞって私の公演を取り上げました。それ以来、ニューヨークダンスフェスティバルではオリエンタルダンスを公演プログラムに入れるようになりました。私に続いて1980年にはモロッコ(Carolina Vargas Dinicu)、1981年にはセレナ(Serena Wilson)が踊りました。
My dance in the New York Dance Festival was so new to so many people, I was reviewed by every major newspaper, and they kept the oriental dance in their program. In 1980 Morocco performed there, and in 1981 Serena Wilson performed there.

The New York Dance Festival was especially important because it was a major dance event in NY and it was an honor to perform in it. Unfortunately, that wonderful event lost its funding and hasn’t happened in many years.


【Editor’s Note】
After posting the previous article, I exchange e-mails with Anahid several times and the content of this article was decided. At first I was planning to start from her childhood, but I may change the contents, because I want to share the live conversation with her.

New York and Kawasaki, there is a time difference of more than half a day and message exchange with Anahid, who is a busy teacher, takes more time than I thought. Furthermore, trying to find the right words for the difference in nuances between English and Japanese takes time.

But I will keep trying hard so that I can tell readers Anahid’s feelings toward Oriental dance faithfully to her words.